Monday, December 6, 2010

Mark Dailey - RIP

For those of us here in Toronto, this man needs no introduction. For the rest of you he was the voice of the local television station CityTV and a CityNews reporter and anchorman for the last 30 years. You would be hard pressed to find anyone in this city who did not know who he was or recognize his unmistakeable voice. After surviving prostate cancer he was diagnosed with kidney cancer in September to which he succumbed to today.

In my native Scotland cancer is so feared, they dare not say its name. Preferring instead to whisper, mouth it or call it by its nickname; "The Big C!"

We fear this disease because everyone of us knows of someone, be they family, friend or loved one who has been touched by this illness. It is the enemy within. So why keep it a secret? There is nothing to be ashamed about. Cancer cares not of your sex, colour, creed, religion or ethnicity. Cancer kills!
In what other war (and be sure this is a war) do we whisper the enemies name? In what other war do the soldiers fear fighting for the cause?

Every hour of every day, about 20 people will be diagnosed with cancer and eight people will die from cancer across Canada. Of the newly diagnosed cases, about one-half will be lung, colorectal, prostate and breast cancers. 
Kidney cancer, particularly renal cell carcinoma, is increasing in the Canadian population. However, people diagnosed with this disease have a fair prognosis and survival appears to be improving. Prevention programs focused on obesity and smoking could make substantial progress in fighting kidney cancer, given the strong association between these risk factors and this disease. 

This is why screening is so important. Some tests can help prevent cancer by finding changes in your body that might have otherwise become cancer if the were left untreated. Prostate cancer can be detected early using a PSA test and and digital rectal exam. 

I never knew Mark personally. I had never even met him. But he was in my house every night and he will be missed.

Be aware.

Get tested.


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