Saturday, January 15, 2011


In case you did not get the Facebook status that I sent out on Thursday, I have been hospitalized since late Sunday night suffering since the previous week with severe diarrhea. On that night the fever hit 39.5C and I have been here ever since.

The fever caused by an infection, the infection caused by any number of things not the least of which being my extremely low white blood cell count, which, if I were healthy would be ideal. However, in someone fighting the debilitating effects of chemo, I need them high to begin with in order to counteract as quickly as possible any virus that comes into play.

When I was first diagnosed with cancer and subsequently chemo as the treatment option, I dont think I really took it seriously. Okay yes I believed my healthcare professional but what did "it" mean? It was like having my lunch ordered for me at restaurant that I would never have visited in the first place;

"Welcome to Maison Cancer Monsieur, I take it you will be aving the chemo today non?"

Of course I was given more than enough information to digest prior to the meal being delivered but no one knows how it will affect the other.
As our DNA is unique so is every single persons body. They will all fight infection, that's their job but they will all do it in a different way. No two people undergoing chemo will experience the exact same side effects. If their immune systems are compromised they will defend them in the best way for their makeup.

Well I guess now I know what it means. I understand more than ever the fragility of my body and what I am going to have to do to get through these next 4 weeks.

Thank you to my colleagues who took time out of their busy schedule to come visit me two weeks ago while I was undergoing treatment and a special thank you to Deborah for knitting me not one but three woolly hats to keep my bald head toasty warm.

I would also like to thank my loving wife Janice who has helped me immensely through this last couple of weeks and without whom I couldn't imagine the road ahead.

13 Down 8 to go


1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say Tommy, that you are one of the strongest Men I have ever met. Your courage, strength of heart and the gentle kindness is what makes this place better.

