Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back At Home With Some Good News

So arrived home yesterday afternoon at around 5p.m. after just short of a 9 day stay at PMH. Due to the fever, the first 3 days or so is pretty much of a blur and I just remember sleeping most of the day. By the time Thursday rolled around I was beginning to get back on my feet. Over the weekend I did begin to get my strength back somewhat and as of Monday I was ready to go home. My white blood cell count is up, infection has been taken care of as has the flux.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff of the 17th Floor at PMH. Whether support, volunteer or a health care professional the level of care was outstanding. After speaking with a few of the nurses and enquiring as to why they chose oncology as their field to specialize in, they all said the same thing; fulfillment. They work they do fills them with a sense of achievement and accomplishment they never felt in any other area. This speaks volumes to the level of care that is available at this facility.

Oh, and the good news? Received blood work results regarding my Beta HCG markers. Now if you remember before chemo the markers were at 293 and after 6 treatments they had been reduced to 45. Well as of yesterday and only 13 treatments the Beta HCG markers were undetectable!! Not out of the woods but we can see the clearing.

14 down 7 more to go.
